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© Meghlusko

H I G H L A N D   S E M E N

As part of our emphasis on functional animals, we ran a bull test at Maple Lea Farm for many years which gave us data on rate of growth from weaning to yearling age.


Usually around 50 bulls were on test every year. This information, as well as conformation and family lines, gives breeders good information on which to base their selection of a herd sire.


Our semen bull Maple Lea Grand Duke was chosen in this manner with data from weight gain combined with information about the udder quality of his dam, conformation, temperament etc.


Semen available from Maple Lea Grand Duke: $125/dose + shipping

To purchase Highland semen, please write to

Maple Lea Grand Duke.JPG

125$ / dose

+ shipping



50G (black)

Semen available from Maple Lea Grand Duke

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